Blockchain Games and Future of the Metaverse

blockchain games

In 2020, we saw the Metaverse take off in a big way. The Metaverse is a collective virtual reality that connects all of our VR devices together, making it easier for us to explore and share experiences with each other. It’s essentially the next-generation Web3, which we’ve already seen start to emerge over the last few years. But what exactly makes this so important? And how will it impact our lives? In this guide, I’ll explain why blockchain games are essential for building out this new metaverse as well as what we can expect from them in the future.

A metaverse is a virtual world that encompasses all of the existing virtual worlds. It’s a global database that stores every piece of data ever created in any virtual universe, and it’s available to everyone. Each person has their own identity on this database, known as an avatar.

In order for blockchain to work properly, all nodes must reach consensus on the state of their system. This means no one can manipulate or alter any transaction or block in the chain without permission from all other participants.

Blockchain has proven itself useful in real-world applications because it allows people to transact directly with each other—and with complete transparency—without having to rely on third parties like banks or governments. The technology allows users to create smart contracts for things like currency transfers and land sales by writing them into lines of code; once those lines are executed properly (i.e., once conditions are met), transactions occur automatically.

Why Blockchain Games are Essential for the Future of the Metaverse?

The blockchain is a perfect match for gaming. This technology allows developers to create decentralized and trustless games, which can be played across multiple platforms, allowing people to have an immersive experience in a virtual world.

Blockchain also helps create more opportunities for developers by allowing them to monetize their work directly with their audience rather than have their content locked behind paywalls or ads. Additionally, the open source nature of blockchain makes it easy for anyone who wants to develop an application on top of this technology and make money by charging fees from users or advertisers without having direct control over the game itself.

The same logic applies when discussing Virtual Reality (VR), Social Media (SM) and Commerce industries; however, each industry has different requirements when using blockchain as either a base layer or secondary solution respectively

The New Virtual Reality

blockchain games and virtual reality

Metaverse is a decentralized virtual reality (VR) platform, where users can create and experience their own unique worlds. Unlike traditional VR spaces that require users to download apps on their phones or computers, Metaverse is a new world that exists in the cloud, not on your phone. This means there’s no need for downloading any content before entering this new world; all you need is an internet connection and a VR headset, like Google Cardboard or Gear VR.

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People will play metaverse games through its own proprietary operating system called “Eterium”. To play these games you’ll need to use your Metaverse account as well as the Eterium OS app installed on your computer or mobile device.

Metaverse vs Web3

Metaverse, the virtual reality where you’ll be spending most of your time in the next few years, and Web3 are related but different. It is a network that enables users to create their own web pages and then allow others to view them in virtual reality. This is a bit like the internet today, but with some significant differences:

Blockchain Games and Web2 Today

These games are a new genre of games, which differ from traditional games and web2 games. Blockchain gamers play in the metaverse (which is similar to the internet), but someone can also decentralize them with real-world applications. For example, you could play an augmented reality game where you hunt down Pokémon with your friends while shopping at a mall in your city. These types of experiences are possible because blockchain has enabled developers to create virtual worlds that interact directly with our physical world.

2022: The Year of the Metaverse

One of the most exciting trends in gaming and technology today is the concept of a metaverse. The idea of a virtual shared universe has been around for decades, but blockchain technology could finally make it happen.

Blockchain games are an important stepping stone to a more immersive, user-owned virtual reality. They can also help people learn about blockchain in general: what it is, how it works and why they should care.

The future of the metaverse will be one where users can meet up with friends from all over the world, play games together or just hang out in cafes or bars. It will be a place where you can do business (like shop for clothes) even if you’re not physically present there; all thanks to smart contracts built on top of blockchain platforms like Ethereum!

Long-Term Outlook

The future of blockchain gaming is bright. With the ability to create and share games without relying on any central authority, it’s easy to see why game developers are excited about this emerging trend. But there’s so much more to blockchain technology than just games:

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The benefits of using blockchain for gaming are numerous. It allows players a level of control over their data that they’ve never had before, while also protecting them from hackers and other nefarious actors who could exploit their personal information in order to steal money or identity information. Additionally, it ensures that all transactions are transparent and verifiable by anyone interested in verifying them (as opposed to relying on third-party intermediaries like banks), which can inspire trust between parties involved in buying items within an item marketplace–like those found at OpenSea with 1 billion tokens traded since launch last July!

Concerns about user privacy have been raised recently due primarily from Facebook’s Cambridge Analytica scandal where millions were affected by unauthorized sharing of private data without consent/knowledge by companies like Google.”

Blockchain Games Are Important 

Blockchain games are an important steppingstone to a more immersive, user-owned virtual reality. By introducing people to the concept of blockchain and Ethereum (a decentralized platform that developers can use to build most kinds of applications), they lay the foundation for empowering people to own their data and participate in the creation of virtual worlds.

Moreover, by allowing users to earn money from others’ work by playing these games, blockchain games also make it possible for people without much money or access to capital markets or banks — who are often excluded from traditional forms of investment — to participate in building out this new economy. This is especially true as VR becomes more realistic and immersive; with time, we’ll have experiences where players feel like they’re actually inside these worlds instead just watching them on screens.


As we’ve seen, blockchain games offer a great way for both players and developers to benefit from the unique opportunities that virtual reality offers. But these aren’t just the next step in gaming—they are also an exciting new way to build worlds and interact with each other online. Blockchain-based games will be able to give players more agency over their own characters, stories, and social interactions online without relying on big corporations like Facebook or Valve Corporation (the owners of Steam). In turn, this will fuel innovation across all industries as developers start thinking about how they can use blockchain technology instead of just treating it like another buzzword they throw around every now and then.


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